At the Doctor
Nobody plans on being sick while traveling. To be sick in a foreign country is
scary because you may not know what to do, where to go or how much will it cost.
Relax. If you are used to the medical system in the United States, you will love
to be assisted by doctors that really spend time
with you, and drugs in Latin America, although cheaper, are as good as any.

Remember to bring your prescriptions when traveling and write down the drug generic
name and active ingredients. You will be able to buy a refill since the drug
market is not as regulated as in the USA and almost every drug can be obtained
over the counter or at pharmacies (farmacias o droguerías).
If you go back to the USA keep your
prescriptions since you will need them to demonstrate that the drugs you bought
were required by a physician.
Most hotels will
have a list of local doctors that speak English. Not a lot of clinics or hospitals accept medical insurance, but most of the
times a visit to the doctor would cost you around $60 and your
medical insurance provider may reimburse those expenses once your trip is
Here is a list of the most common symptoms that you may have and what you may
need to say.
I have a head ache |
Me duele la cabeza |
I have a teeth, molar pain |
Me duele el diente, la muela |
I have a bone pain |
Me duelen los huesos |
I have a muscular pain |
Me duelen los músculos |
I have a leg pain |
Me duelen las piernas |
I have a stomach pain |
Me duele el estómago |
My hands hurt |
Me duelen las manos |
My ear hurts |
Me duele el oído |
My throat hurts |
Me duele la garganta |
do you feel?
I feel sick |
Me siento enfermo |
I feel dizzy |
Me siento mareado |
I feel exhausted |
Me siento agotado |
I feel tired |
Me siento cansado |
I feel sad |
Me siento triste / deprimido |
I feel bad |
Me siento mal |
It hurts me / Me duele |
I can´t breath / No puedo respirar |
It burns me / Me arde |
I can't sleep / No puedo dormir |
It stings me / Me pica |
I cant eat / No puedo comer |
It hurts me / Me lastima |
I can´t walk / No puedo caminar |
It cuts me / Me corta |
I can´t see / No puedo ver |
more information...
I am allergic to ... / Soy alérgico a ... |
I am diabetic / Soy diabético |
I smoke / yo fumo |
kind of doctor could I see?
Allergist |
Alergólogo (a) |
Cardiologist |
Cardiólogo (a) |
Dentist |
Dentista (a) |
Endocrinologist |
Endocrinólogo (a) |
Nurse |
Enfermero (a) |
Gynecologist |
Ginecólogo (a) |
Doctor |
Médico (a) General |
Ophthalmologist |
Oftalmólogo (a) |
Orthopedist |
Ortopedista (a) |
Otolaryngologist |
Otorrinolaringólogo (a) |
Pediatrician |
Pediatra (a) |
Urologist |
Urólogo (a) |
of Advise!
in any place, don't assume that credit cards are
accepted, present your medical insurance card. If a medical analysis needs
to be done, some labs offer discounts and packages. Ask to the doctor
for a referral and to the lab or clinic for an estimate in advance.
Keep all your receipts and submit them to your medical insurance
company for a possible reimbursement.
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the restaurant
Useful vocabulary and tips
for a good and safe meal.

the hotel
Common words and phrases
for a good rest.

Understanding and enjoying
the shopping experience.